Worlds Best Apartment Viewing Checklist

If you are searching for an apartment, a condo or home to rent, you might find it useful to use a checklist while viewing units.

I combed a bunch of apartment hunting sites like Zillow, All State, and Apartment to find out what to look for when viewing condos. Then I combined the information […]

Home Brew Treadmill Desk

Inspired by articles such as this one in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, over spring break this year I purchased a walking treadmill. This post will tell you more than you ever wanted to know about it.

I checked out some manual treadmills, but they were too hard for me to move. I could never have […]

Showcasing Student Learning Online

One of my quests this year was to develop an online showcase for student projects. Five years ago, most digital student projects were word processed documents that could be printed out, or Powerpoint presentations that could be presented or printed.

Now in addition to those formats, we have podcasts, videos, Bitstrips, Voicethreads, Glogs, and other […]

Resistance is Futile or The Power of Info Graphics

Yep. This graphic comes from a site that advertises online PD programs, but the facts on it jibe with what I’ve heard on Scientific American Frontiers and other podcasts and the sources are listed at the end.

While I find the information on it unsettling, I am saving it to add to my arsenal of […]

Fabulous Pictures of the Icelandic Volcanic Eruptions

In case you haven’t stumbled across these already, share this photo set with your students as you discuss the volcanic eruption, how a volcano in northern Europe can ground planes around the world, weather patterns, etc.

and more pictures:

And here’s a cool Flickr image of the same volcano…

Volcano Audience […]

A Sobering Flickr Set of Haiti

I have some friends and family going through rough times right now, but watching this UN Flickr set of photos from post-earthquake Haiti makes everything else look easy. As I watched, I kept thinking, “Where do you even start?”

Thank you to Wes Fryer for tweeting the link: “This Flickr set from the UN […]