An Update on Using Tech to Support Formative Assessment

Back in September, I posted about how my math exit slip process had evolved over time, becoming more effective through the use of technology. My system has taken another term, which has made it easier for everyone involved.

The process I was using in September used the website. That website has many features I […]

Worlds Best Apartment Viewing Checklist

If you are searching for an apartment, a condo or home to rent, you might find it useful to use a checklist while viewing units.

I combed a bunch of apartment hunting sites like Zillow, All State, and Apartment to find out what to look for when viewing condos. Then I combined the information […]

The Magic of Voice Typing in Google Docs

On most days, my students have the choice of writing by hand in their notebook or typing on their digital writing notebook during our writing workshop. Now they have a third option, voice-to-text dictation.

Last week, instead of a writing mini-lesson, we had a tool mini-lesson. They all grabbed their earbuds and laptops so I […]

Pages: Making a Brochure on an iPad

One of my teachers wondered how his students could create a brochure on an iPad. Turns out, Pages has two nice brochure templates. These directions assume the children have already saved all needed photos to their photo roll, and have finished revising their text in Google Docs. You can view the original document here.

This […]

Movenote on the iPad

Last year I had attempted to use Movenote with students. Actually I probably tried it the year before even. In any case the old windows laptops we had were not up to the task. I was surprised to see that there is an iPad app. I tested it out. If you click the link […]

Basic Mail Merge Template for Google Docs

Finally played with this basic mail merge template for Google Docs. I like it. It’s a great tool for teachers.



In the data tab create a spreadsheet of your class with the following information:

student first student last name the correct pronouns (he/she, him/her, his/her) email of each parent parent names.

Set […]