What Do You Want Leaders to do With Technology?

Click to enlarge.

I can take no credit for this. As the graphic says, the ideas are by George Couros and the art is by @PluGusin. I’m posting it here so I don’t lose it and because it is too good to not share.


Non-Fiction Reading Online

I spent part of this afternoon prepping for a lesson I am teaching tomorrow. The lesson should help our grade four students take what they know about non-fiction text structures and help them transfer it to reading online. Here is what I have planned.

(5 minutes) First we will use this presentation to make […]

Powerful Digital Privacy Lesson

I am always on the lookout for effective digital citizenship activities for elementary students. This fall I was delighted to learn that Common Sense Media developed a website for students in grades 3-5 focusing on digital citizenship.

I have been impressed with their teaching materials but the lessons were always too long for the time […]

Digital Reading – A Response

Clarence Fisher recently wrote a post regarding digital reading. At the end of the post he states,

My reading habits are changing and some of it is due to the devices I have been using. The popularity of these devices is unquestionable, but they have the long history of paper to compete against. They are […]

Drive: An Animation of Daniel Pink’s New Book

I don’t want this to become a blog of other people’s videos, but this one is too good to not share. I haven’t read any of Daniel Pink’s books, but I have had the good fortune to listen to him give a lecture on his book, A Whole New Mind which is an inspiration for […]

Moving Towards Tech Integration and Students as Contributors of Content

We are making progress. In the past, my colleague and I wrote a semester tech plan and brought it to the staff. Most teachers approved it as written. A few would ask us to work on other projects with them.

This term, I am meeting with each of my teachers to create a semester plan. […]