Now that I’ve quit whining about the lack of ready-made resources available on the web, I’ve finally gotten down to work on creating what I need. I met with Tammy to work through a number of questions I had. This project is starting to take shape!
We have decided that she will sign up for two blogging sessions per week in the computer lab. These are above and beyond her regularly scheduled computer times; we don’t want this project to shut down the rest of our curriculum. Each week she will teach a 6-trait writing lesson. After the lesson, students create a writing project and use what they learned in the mini lesson to craft the piece. Students need to have the piece reviewed by a teacher before they may push the publish button. I’m hoping our weekly due dates are not too optimistic.
I’ve started setting up the student blogs, but ran into a glitch when one wouldn’t finish– the computer spent 20 minutes telling me to please wait while the blog was created. I hope that was a one-time problem.
Tonight I’ve been drafting the parent letter. I have the first page done. Hopefully I can polish it up tomorrow morning.