Flock Extensions

Interesting to me that so many of my favorite edubloggers switched to the Flock web browser at the same time that I did.  I’m glad to see such an innovative brower being so well received. 

I made Flock default browser a week or two ago, but still found myself returning to Firefox to refer to the Forecast Fox extension. (I live in Minnesota and we have lots of weather here, and it can change hourly some days.)  Imagine my delight to find an extensions menu in Flock.  It lead me to a link for more extensions, and there I found all sorts of useful extensions, including a Flocked version of Forecast Fox.

So if you were considering using Flock but didn’t want to give up your Firefox extensions, you may not have to do so. There is even an extension that converts Firefox extensions for use with Flock.

Blogged with Flock

1 comment to Flock Extensions

  • Annie Donwerth Chikamatsu

    Susan, thank you so much for your time and guidance in getting my blog hooked up with RSS/feeds. I have a lot to learn, but your instructions along with the little I know and have experienced with the system helped me set it up (I hope). Hope it works! I clicked on it as I did my other links and am always taken back to the set-up page so I am wondering if any of my links work! Again, thanks for your guidance and best wishes in your move. Maybe there’s a hereandtheresingapore in the future? Really, I would like to see them all over the world! Annie